Summary: For my project, I plan on using the rhetorical triangle- including message, audience, communicator- in order to analyze a series of advertisements by the Red Cross. Though I could just analyze one of the ads from the series, the advertisements seem to work better and have a larger effect when grouped and analyzed together.
I will also use the ethos, pathos, and logos to evaluate the advertisements. Credibility, consistency, and emotions are all very evident aspects throughout this series of ads and will, I think, make for a good analysis.
My first step in beginning my project is to thoroughly analyze the ads themselves- writing down any ideas I have about the ads messages, images, etc will help me to later analyze the ads according to the rhetorical triangle and the ethos, pathos, and logos. I will also, possibly discuss the ethics behind these ads because they do play on very significant and and somewhat controversial issues.
So far, I have begun to jot down simple ideas I have thought of from looking at the ideas- but without analyzing according to specific rhetorical ideas and/or theories. I have begun to put together a very general outline for the essay and will soon begin to organize and construct my ideas in order to put the essay together.
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